Expert Tree Removal Service

grapple saw tree removal service in yard

 Our wireless remote controlled grab and cut grapple saw can remove difficult trees quickly or that hazardous dead tree. This hi tech unit allows us to safely remove a tree in a fraction of the time compared to using old bucket trucks or very unsafe to use a tree climber in . Give us a call to schedule your onsite appointment we can discuss the ccost savings options with you in person.

Fully tree work insured
State of Wisconsin E/L and Workers Compensation
Commercial General Liability.

Circumstances that suggest removal when the tree is:

    Dead or dying
    Creates a fire safety concern
    Considered irreparably hazardous
    Crowding and causing harm to other trees
    To be replaced by a more suitable specimen
    An obstruction that's impossible to correct with pruning  
    Located where new construction requires removal

Should you have a need for a tree removal service, our tree service crews take great care to protect your property and landscape during the process. We will work with you to meet your specifications for the job, big or small.


Questions ?

What's the expense in tree removal costs ?

What's included ?

How to save on tree work ?


What is the expense in tree removal costs ?
Large trees, in addition to the standard tree service chipper and trucks, some removals require special equipment such as our grapple crane or skid Loader to remove the large logs. This big equipment is expensive and required to remove trees safely. Small trees will not cost much to remove, however you can expect to pay a minimum charge for small tree removal or trim.

Location and condition of the tree is also a cost concern. Is the tree overhanging the home, sheds, fencing, home wiring or the neighbors property. Is the tree unstable because its completely dead, a split or heavy decay in trunk. The factor in numerous procedures to a removal will be reflected in the tree removal costs that you'll see on a proposal.

If you purchase a property, or have lived with your trees for years you should take a look at the health and growth of your trees. A yearly inspection will help eliminate surprises. You may have trees that need to be removed or those that require further inspection, and some that would benefit from pruning.
It is cost effective to have the work done sooner than later. If a tree is in poor health or tree that is not wanted the cost will likely increase over time as the tree grows larger or becomes more unstable.

For these reasons the estimate or quote you receive will have an expiration.

How to save on tree work ?

• Ask about our DIY options

• Budget money for tree work just like for roofing, painting, and upgrades.

• Don't wait until the tree is less stable or grows bigger, it will usually cost more!

• Plan ahead to have trees removed or trimmed as a preventative measure to guard against failure of branches or the entire tree. Small trees grow big.

• If you or a friend are very handy with chain saw, wood splitter, or splitting maul, ask for the wood to be left onsite. Great for burning in backyard campfires.   Sell the split wood, remember some wood sells up to $120 per face cord. Large trees can contain 4 or more face cords alone !

 • You can do the site clean up of raking small debris. You'll be saving money on doing some of this labor yourself.

 • Get it done sooner rather than later !!

cutting and processing the tree wood

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Tree Removal Rigging

The rigging block is set high in the tree at a point above a designated drop zone. Then the webbing strap or rope is attached a couple of feet out from the butt end of the branch, a notch and back cut or step cut is then made near the branch union and the branch will be lowered down tips first. This provides safe tree removal with no impact to structures and landscape.